Chemson Naftoplant – MGL
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Chemson Naftoplant

Dismantling | Decommissioning | Asset Recovery
Wallsend, Tyne and Wear

MGL Demolition was as the Principal Contractor to undertake the decommissioning and dismantling of the Naftoplant at Wallsend, Tyne and Wear.

Operating within a live building the scope of work included a deep pre-clean of the plant building and all equipment. Selected items of equipment were carefully decommissioned, dismantled and then shipped overseas for reuse by Chemson. All redundant plant and equipment was carefully demolished. The building itself was retained for future use.

On closure of the Naftoplant cleaning of all dusts was carried out in controlled conditions, with plant and equipment selected in accordance with explosive atmosphere requirements.

The plant selected for asset recovery was recovered by lifting out the individual process plant components. This involved mobile crane lifting, special hoists and access equipment due the varied and complex configuration of the plant. Planning and coordination of all lifting was undertaken by the MGL Demolition contracts team.

The required disconnections to remove assets were undertaken using cold techniques, hand tool disconnection, pneumatic impact drivers and fien saws to allow working within the potentially explosive atmospheric conditions.

Following asset recovery and dust removal the final areas selected for demolition were removed using demolition excavators fitted with shear and sorting grapple attachments.

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